Friday, December 30, 2011

When does crafting become an obsession over a hobby?

As I'm attempting to finish up my Barbie carrying case, I realize how crazed my crafting area is. As hard as I try to stay organized, I constantly loose space. There's never enough room. At what point does the interruption of my crafting due to my crafting become crazy instead of relaxing?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Barbie Dollhouse on a dime

I was just saying that I'd like to do something fun for Barbie (outside of the carrying case I'm making right now) and for the young lady who comes and visits us from time to time. We'll call her "Barbie Girl" for this post. It may change from post-to-post, but for this one, it's going to fit.

Barbie Girl got TONS of barbie's for her birthday and Christmas. The challenge is what to do with the clothes, dolls, etc that come along with Barbie. That's where the carrying case came from. None of the new carrying cases are anything like the ones I had growing up. A place for Barbie, a place for her clothes, and a handle. That's all. Not 20 barbies but no clothes, or clothes and no barbies. A little of both. So, I decided to make one. In the process of looking for a tutorial (which I didn't find), I thought of how fun it would be to do a Barbie house. I didn't mean to come across this tutorial while I was looking for DIY barbie hangers, but there it is. Here's the next project I think might get tossed to Barbie Girl since she's been dying to craft with me:

Blog: Southern Disposition

Where in the world...

I may be showing my age, but does anyone remember "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" Is that still a thing? ANYWAY, with the holidays in process, I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't had an opportunity to breathe, let alone blog. With that, I'll say I received a new refrigerator for Christmas. That is where I've been.

The new fridge was 1/2" too big for the previous space, so I got some new cabinets. In the process of taking out the old cabinets, I decided to take down old tile. The wall came down with the tile. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but it's been well worth it. The new fridge looks fabulous, and the new bit of cabinet and wall looks pretty good, too.

Above: The space after we took out the cabinets. The previous owner just decided to add a new subfloor instead of doing anything else. It made for an interesting leveling process.

Above: After the tile came off. Those dark spots? That's cement board, after the upper-coat of plaster came off. We did get to see the colors the kitchen was before we moved in though...

Above: The new beadboard, the side of the new fridge, and the top of our stove. We painted the beadboard white, and the upper portion is gray. When the side of the cabinet is in, I'll post finished pictures. 

I also decided to decoupage some outlet covers which I've not done before. I think I'll also make some curtains, since I figured out that I can use a pressure rod in the windows (huh... wish I would've figured that out a long time ago...). SO I have a couple more projects to add to the list.

The Question:
How was your holiday? Did you add anything to your crafting list?

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The Led Zeppelin Mobile

A friend of mine asked me to create a mobile for her first grandchild. Her daughter is, apparently, a big Led Zeppelin fan. I say, sure... no problem. I can do that. It won't take me too long, I can have it done by the weekend. Great, she says. I'd like the symbols, plus a guitar and a mandolin.

The Challenge: How exactly am I going to get all those symbols? Out of felt? I can totally do the other things, but the symbols are going to kick my butt.

The Materials:

  • Macrame hoop 
  • Felt in brown, cream, and... fabric in sage? I'm having a hard time finding sage felt
  • Embroidery floss in brown, cream, and sage
  • Ribbon
  • Fray check for the fabric
  • Computer, Printer, Paper
  • Fabric Pencils or embroidery transfer paper
The Process:

I found the symbols that I wanted to use, then printed them up. As I look back, I probably should've just put them in paint and enlarged them. I chose to cut them out... and magically make them larger. Don't ask. I still don't know what possessed me.

Luckily, my embroidery/sewing skills are pretty good. I've got all of the circular items done. I'm working on the items with strange shapes now. We'll see how it goes.

The Question:
What are the hardest crafting projects you've worked on? How could you have done them differently? Have you done that item since you initially tried it, or did you give up halfway through (like I've done so many times)?

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Too many crafts, not enough time

The Blog of Eternal Crafts. What is it? Why am I doing it?

Honestly? I need a place to organize, prioritize, and and systematize the craft thoughts that run through my head. That idea that pops into your head at 3am... and you say to yourself, "I HAVE GOT TO DO THAT!" This is the place it will go. Then I can come back, look at it, potentially say that's the dumbest idea ever and what did you take before you thought of that? OR say THAT is the best idea EVAH!

Templates, tutorials, fix-its will all go here as well. I'd like to document my first, second... twentieth... try at things and see how it worked, would I do it again, improvements, and get ideas from anyone who chooses to view this blog.

My current project list includes:

  1. Led Zeppelin baby mobile (commissioned by a close friend for her first (?) grandchild)
  2. Boxes for my etsy sales (Gotta love "Bags, Tags, Boxes, and more for the Cricut)
  3. Soaps for the aunts (Christmas is coming fast, and I have a lot of aunts)
  4. Halloween foam house (Again... gotta love the Cricut... I should attempt to cut the foam with it. Any hints out there?)
  5. Completing the organization of the house of crafts 
  6. Make a gingerbread man scarf (I was hoping to do a set of them for Christmas gifts... not sure that'll happen)
  7. Make a set of felt toys (I was also hoping to do this for Christmas as well... again... not sure that'll happen)
I'm sure the list is longer than this (UPDATE: see the page current projects for a full listing.). They'll come and go in my head. I'm sure you'll hear from me again.

The Question:
How about you? What are your current crafting debacles? What's keeping you from completing them?