Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Where in the world...

I may be showing my age, but does anyone remember "Where in the World is Carmen San Diego?" Is that still a thing? ANYWAY, with the holidays in process, I'm sure I'm not the only one who hasn't had an opportunity to breathe, let alone blog. With that, I'll say I received a new refrigerator for Christmas. That is where I've been.

The new fridge was 1/2" too big for the previous space, so I got some new cabinets. In the process of taking out the old cabinets, I decided to take down old tile. The wall came down with the tile. It's been a rough couple of weeks, but it's been well worth it. The new fridge looks fabulous, and the new bit of cabinet and wall looks pretty good, too.

Above: The space after we took out the cabinets. The previous owner just decided to add a new subfloor instead of doing anything else. It made for an interesting leveling process.

Above: After the tile came off. Those dark spots? That's cement board, after the upper-coat of plaster came off. We did get to see the colors the kitchen was before we moved in though...

Above: The new beadboard, the side of the new fridge, and the top of our stove. We painted the beadboard white, and the upper portion is gray. When the side of the cabinet is in, I'll post finished pictures. 

I also decided to decoupage some outlet covers which I've not done before. I think I'll also make some curtains, since I figured out that I can use a pressure rod in the windows (huh... wish I would've figured that out a long time ago...). SO I have a couple more projects to add to the list.

The Question:
How was your holiday? Did you add anything to your crafting list?

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